Portraits of witches in the mirror of historical pragmatics
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The present case study explores how the descriptions of (linguistic) behavior associated with the role of witchcraft are fine-tuned by the utterances found in individual depositions, comparing these with the language use of other characters in the narratives and its perception within the community. The investigation is based on lesser-known manuscripts of records that are not accessible through databases. The qualitative analysis focuses on the recollection of interactions, including the ways of quoting, the content and formulation of statements, as well as the metacommunicative reflections related to them. The patterns of language use explored through close reading are interpreted in the context of the social and cultural embedding of the texts, with particular attention to the context of the current accusations. A characteristic motif proved to be conflict, which manifested in various ways. Although these were evaluated as belonging to the role of the witch, certain instances (such as threats) actually characterized other members of the community as well.
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