Issues of description of inferentiality in Uralic languages
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The paper discusses definitional and descriptive problems related to the category of inferentiality that arise not only in Uralic languages but also in typological works. Using examples of three Uralic languages, we show how these problems can present themselves when we wish to account for the inferentiality of certain languages. Nganasan and Udmurt illustrate that in the case of languages with morphological evidentiality, the corresponding literature and linguistic tradition tend to treat inferentiality solely within the framework of morphological evidentiality. However, this approach excludes certain types of inference as well as the linguistic elements involved in their expression. Moreover, Nganasan illustrates that if other linguistic elements, in this case lexemes (mostly particles), are taken into account in the expression of inferentiality, the description of grammatical subsystems (e.g., tense and mood) is also significantly modified. Using the example of Tundra Nenets, we demonstrate that the analysis of the same language with different preconceptions (i.e. in this case, the degree of grammaticalization of certain suffixes) results in different classification and functional descriptions, which is reflected in the different evaluation of bound morphemes expressing inferentiality. To resolve the observed problems of categorization, we propose an approach in which morphological and lexical items are treated in a functionally uniform way. This proposal, due to more available language data and native competence, is illustrated by the example of Udmurt inferentiality.
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