On the use of the question particle -e in embedded clauses containing a past tense conditional verb form
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In our study, we discuss the acceptability of the structures V volna-e and the V-e volna. The paper presents the results of a questionnaire study in which we examine the combined effect of the matrix predicate and the conditional clause of the embedded sentence on the acceptability of the two structures. The variables were the position of the -e question particle (on the verb or on volna), the type of the matrix predicate (expresses uncertainty/lack of information or the speaker cites the subject of an argument/a question) and the implicature of the subordinate clause of the embedded conditional sentence (the event happened or did not happen). We hypothesized that the acceptability of the examined structures is mostly influenced by the combined effect of the type of the matrix predicate and the implicature of the conditional clause of the embedded sentence. Based on the results, it can be said that in the case of a matrix predicate expressing uncertainty/lack of information, V-e volna is significantly more acceptable if the conditional clause of the embedded sentence implies that the event did not happen. However, the implicature of the subordinate clause of the embedded conditional sentence does not change the acceptability of the sentences if the speaker cites a question or the subject of an argument in the subordinate clause. We argue that the results of the study support our claim that the variation in the position of -e is not only a matter of style or register but also influenced by grammatical variables.
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