The face saving lie Using lie as a strategy in the speech act of refusal of request
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The topic of the research was the role of the lie in the speech act of refusal. The theoretical background has been composed of three tenets: 1) review of the literature on lie and the formulation of a work definition; 2) the pragmatics of the speech act of refusal and 3) the face-threatening and the face-saving and the theory of the cognitive dissonance. There were three research questions: 1) is lie a preferred strategy used in refusals in Hungarian, and if yes what is its function; 2) how is this strategy evaluated by the communicators after having carried out the act; 3) what are the reason for choosing and accepting lie as a strategy in Hungarian refusals? The main instruments of the data collection were two questionnaire: the first was a discourse completion test, the second was a retrospective questionnaire. Based on the data collected lie was proven to be a common and accepted linguistic strategy in refusals. This strategy use is conscious, contains the intention of deceiving, it represents untrue content and its aim is to save the faces of the participants of the interaction.
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