Impression management strategies in political debate shows Pragmatical analysis

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Éva Szabó


In my paper, I investigate impression management strategies in Hungarian political debate shows. Its theoretical background based on Leary’s self-presentation notion (Leary 1995),which henceforward encountered with the pragmatical point of view. I consider the impression management strategies as face-threatening act in the model of Brown and Levinson (1978, 1987), and I treat it as competitive strategies. The corpus is made of five videos and its size is approximately 180 minutes and I followed the convention of the conversation analyses. Beyond the scope of socialpsychology and pragmatics, I advert the properties of debate shows, therefore I consider these strategies as discourse specific strategies in political debate shows,the investigated impression management strategies refer to the language use.


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Szabó, Éva 2018. Impression management strategies in political debate shows: Pragmatical analysis. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 5, 1 (Mar. 2018), 37–63. DOI:
Author Biography

Éva Szabó, University of Szeged, Doctoral School in Linguistics

Éva Szabó is a PhD-student of the Theoretical Linguistics Programme at the University of Szeged Doctoral School in Linguistics. Her research focuses on the politeness and impression management strategies within the framework of functional pragmatics and discourse analyses.


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