Turn of the century etiquette literature: lessons to learn from the perspective of historical politeness research

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Luca Anna Németh


The study focuses on a special kind of source. The so-called etiquette literature flourished in Hungary in the second half of 19th century and the first half 20th century, so the study analyses works coming from this period. First it gives an overview of the theoretical backgorund and intorduces a holistic politeness theory which (given its complexity) provides a proper theoretical framework in connection with etiquette literature. The aim of the study is to shed light on the function of its corpus and analyse the elements of the concept of politeness represented in it. The examined aspects are the following: formal and aesthetic elements, functional aspects and interpersonal features. The major conclusion to the study is that this concept of politeness is mainly normative and based on social hierarchy, but it also has strategic elements. The aim of the concept is to represent the fact that the speaker belongs to one certain social group.


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How to Cite
Németh, L.A. 2025. Turn of the century etiquette literature: lessons to learn from the perspective of historical politeness research. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 12, 2 (Mar. 2025), 71–86. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2025.2.6.
Author Biography

Luca Anna Németh, ELTE Faculty of Humanities

Luca Anna Németh did her doctorate in the Hungarian Linguistics PhD Program of the ELTE BTK Doctoral School of Linguistics in the spring of 2022. Her dissertation focused on a historical socio-pragmatic topic, examining the representation of Hungarian politeness in language use of the second half of the 19 th century and the first half of the 20 th century. She has been working in book publishing since 2013 and has been a freelance editor-translator since the beginning of 2024.


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