Letter-writing manuals and love-letter guides from the late 18th century to the early 20th Century
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The study presents Hungarian letter-writing manuals and love-letter guides from the late 18th century to the first half of the 20th century. Rather than focusing on the analysis of a specific pragmatic phenomenon, this paper offers an exploration of the possibilities for historical pragmatic research through an examination of these works. The time frame of the study is defined by the emergence of this type of discourse: from the publication of the first Hungarian letter-writing manual to the appearance of love-letter guides, specifically until these texts began to merge with other genres due to sociocultural changes.
The paper first outlines the genre characteristics of letter-writing manuals and love-letter guides. Then it provides an analytical overview of letter-writing manuals followed by an analysis of love-letter guides, reflecting on the potential for historical pragmatic investigations throughout.
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