Corpus methods in historical speech act research Directives in a Catalan novel of chivalry

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Katalin Nagy C.


Nowadays, a wide variety of research methods are available for the investigation of language states that can only be approached on the basis of written sources, including the historical study of speech acts, which has always had an important place in historical pragmatics. The two basic methods of this research are the search for lexical units conventionally associated with certain types of speech acts, and the qualitative analysis of historical texts. The aim of this study is to show how the methods developed in corpus linguistics can be fruitfully used in the practice of corpus-based diachronic research. Based on the results of my previous research on medieval Catalan directives, as well as considering the results of a new study, it can be seen that the automatization of search for relevant data in corpora can vary depending on the research question, but qualitative analysis, to a lesser or greater extent, is necessary in all historical pragmatic investigations.


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How to Cite
Nagy C., K. 2025. Corpus methods in historical speech act research: Directives in a Catalan novel of chivalry. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 12, 2 (Mar. 2025), 13–35. DOI:
Author Biography

Katalin Nagy C., MTA-SZTE-DE Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics and Informatics

Katalin Nagy C. is a research fellow in the MTA-SZTE-DE Research Group for Theoretical Linguistics and Informatics of the University of Szeged and a member of the Hungarian Research Centre for Pragmatics. She has been working in the field of historical pragmatics since her PhD in 2013, with special focus on semantic change in grammaticalization, diachronic speech act analysis, historical politeness research and the methodology of historical pragmatics. Her current research interest is on studying fake news detection on the basis of linguistic analysis of texts. In this topic, she examines Hungarian health-related texts.


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