Register-specific patterns of personification in Hungarian online press texts
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The paper presents a corpus-driven analysis of the personifying structures of Hungarian by comparing specific patterns in two online journalistic registers. It interprets personifying meaning-making within the framework of cognitive linguistics, detailing especially the metonymic nature of personification. The analysis is primarily based on the corpus-based identification of personifying terms in discourse, which was achieved by adapting and extending an international method to Hungarian. The annotation of personifications in this procedure extends to labelling the constituents involved in personification, marking the semantic relations between them, and mapping the lexical semantic quality of the personifying meaning. The analysis compares online car tests and reports on foreign policy and interstate relations written in Hungarian. The main results are as follows: (i) personification terms appear with similar relative frequency in both registers, while (ii) personification in commentary texts is more idiomatic, and (iii) there are statistically significant differences in lexical quality between the two samples.
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