Corpus-based analysis of insubordinate complement clauses with hogy 'that'

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Csilla Ilona Dér
Bálint Sass


The study was aimed at extracting as many independent clauses as possible from the entire corpus of MNSz2. Since, due to their rarity, these sentences are hard to collect using general corpus queries and their extraction requires a lot of manual work, along the lines of the features revealed during previous research (e.g. brevity, capitalized conjunction, there are typically pronouns in the clause, in some types the closing punctuation mark is an exclamation mark) we narrowed down the CQL queries (including the conjunction hogy (‘that’), we requested a total of six word units ending in a punctuation mark). The more precise query proved to be significantly more effective compared to the previous ones, and thanks to this we gained a lot of information about the properties and frequency relationships of Hungarian insubordinate hogy-clauses. The characteristic punctuation mark of the syntactically and pragmatically independent stand-alone type is the exclamation mark, the conditional mood is the typical pattern in the wish subtype, and a non-personal pronoun following the conjunction in the evaluative subtype. It became possible to classify the only syntactically independent elaborative clauses into categories (echo questions, non-echo questions, metapragmatic clauses aimed at language activity and quoting), and also to register the transitions between them.


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How to Cite
Dér, C.I. and Sass, B. 2024. Corpus-based analysis of insubordinate complement clauses with hogy ’that’. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 11, 1 (Apr. 2024), 39–56. DOI:
Author Biographies

Csilla Ilona Dér, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church; HUN-REN Research Centre for Linguistics

Csilla Ilona Dér is habilitated associate professor at the Department of Hungarian Linguistics, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church and senior research fellow at the Institute for Historical and Uralic Linguistics of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. Her main research fields are pragmatics and language history, especially the pragmatics and grammar of spoken language.

Bálint Sass, HUN-REN Research Centre for Linguistics

Bálint Sass is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Lexicology of the HUN-REN Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics. In his research, he deals with the management of large text corpora, efficient searching in them, and automatic support for dictionary building. The corpus-driven approach appears in all his works. He is the initiator of the National Portal of Corpora.


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