The syntax of the Mansi ditransitive verbs from the aspect of their semantics

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Katalin Sipőcz


The paper investigates the ditransitive constructions and the ditransitive verbs of the Mansi language. It intends to answer the question whether the semantics of the verb influences the choice of the structure. Mansi has an alternation between two different kinds of ditransitive constructions. The alternation is based on the information structure and independent of the semantics of the verb used in the given structure. Any ditransitive verb can appear in any ditransitive construction.


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Sipőcz, K. 2016. The syntax of the Mansi ditransitive verbs from the aspect of their semantics. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 3, 1 (Mar. 2016), 49–61. DOI:
Author Biography

Katalin Sipőcz, University of Szeged, Department of Finno-Ugrian Philology

Katalin Sipőcz is an assistant professor of the Department of Finno-Ugric Studies at the University of Szeged. Her research focuses on lexicology and syntax of Mansi language.


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