Demonstrative choice in Hungarian

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Enikő Tóth


This paper presents the results of a production experiment exploring the factors influencing the selection of Hungarian exophoric demonstratives. I adopted Peeters et al.’s (2014) design, and examined the effect of three factors – that of relative distance from the speaker, the presence or absence of visual joint attention, and the presence or absence of a pointing gesture on the part of the speaker – on the choice of Hungarian spatial demonstratives. The results are in line with Peeters et al.’s (2014) findings on Dutch, and it is shown that each of these factors has a main effect, i.e. the exophoric use of Hungarian demonstratives is not an egocentric, speaker-anchored process, rather, it is a dynamic and interactive act in between the speaker and the hearer.


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How to Cite
Tóth, E. 2019. Demonstrative choice in Hungarian. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 6, 1 (Aug. 2019), 129–146. DOI:
Author Biography

Enikő Tóth, University of Debrecen, Institute of English and American Studies

Enikő Tóth is currently lecturer in linguistics at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen. Her main fields of interest are semantics and experimental pragmatics.


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