[mi[ti[ők]]] Semilattice representations of pronominal interpretation and agreement

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Tibor Szécsényi
Viktória Kovács
Ivett Virág Bús


The paper extends the semilattice model for the interpretational properties of nouns used in Maleczki (1995) to describe Hungarian personal pronouns. We found that the structures of atomic and plural entities referred to by different personal pronouns are organized as  sub-semilattices of the whole semilattice structure of entities, but neither deictic az/azok ’that/those’ demonstratives, nor formal maga/maguk ’you.SG/you.PL’fit into this structure. In the second part of the study we propose a simpler version of the interpretational semilattice structure for (i) the description of the subject agreement phenomenon, with an emphasis on coordinated subject agreement with  different person and number features, and (ii) the agreement of reflexive pronouns with their antecedents. Subject and reflexive agreement in mixed coordination constructions are defined by the supremum operation of the proposed agreement semilattices.


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How to Cite
Szécsényi, T. et al. 2019. [mi[ti[ők]: Semilattice representations of pronominal interpretation and agreement. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 6, 2 (Dec. 2019), 165–191. DOI:https://doi.org/10.14232/JENY.2019.2.12.
Author Biographies

Tibor Szécsényi, University of Szeged, General Linguistics Department

Tibor Szécsényi teaches syntax, logic and computational linguistics at the General Linguistics Department of the University of Szeged.

Viktória Kovács, University of Szeged, Doctoral School in Linguistics

Viktória Kovács a PhD-student of the Theoretical Linguistics Programme at the Doctoral School in Linguistics, University of Szeged. Her research focuses on the anaphora resolution of pronouns.

Ivett Virág Bús, University of Szeged, General Linguistics Department

Ivett Virág Bús is a student of linguistics at the General Linguistics Department of the University of Szeged.


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