An empirical method for distinguishing the meanings of three Hungarian case suffixes

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Bence Pomázi


The paper offers an empirical method for distinguishing the meanings of three Hungarian case suffixes. The three examined suffixes are -nak/-nek (dative case suffix), -hoz/-hez/-höz (allative case suffix) and -nál/-nél (adessive case suffix). Every one of them has a widely polysemous semantic structure. The aim of the experiment was to distinguish the meanings through language users’ intuitions. For this reason I made a corpus based preliminary examination and then a sorting task with 25 informants. Their task was to create arbitrary groups out of 20 sentences containing instantiations of the suffixes, based on the meanings of the suffixes. Past software made hierarchical clustering analyses out of the data, the results are shown on dendrograms. The branches of the dendrograms tell us about the arrangement of the meanings of the suffixes in the polysemous semantic network.


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Pomázi, B. 2021. An empirical method for distinguishing the meanings of three Hungarian case suffixes. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 8, 1 (Aug. 2021), 31–46. DOI:
Author Biography

Bence Pomázi, Eötvös University; ELKH Research Institute of Linguistics

Bence Pomázi is a final year PhD student at Eötvös Loránd University Doctoral School of Linguistics in the Hungarian Linguistics programme, sub-programme Descriptive Linguistics. He is also a junior research fellow at the Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, at the Institute for Lexicology.


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