Judges' questions in the Hungarian witness testimony and expert evidence
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In my paper, I investigate the types of questions asked by judges in the Hungarian courtroom discourses regarding their role how they could or could not influence witnesses and experts in the course of complex testimony and evidence. The corpus is made up of 16 trials, half of which are civil, the other half criminal. 13 of these trials were recorded - 22 hours and 14 minutes of recording in total - and three other trials were observed with written notes about them. I use a complex method to analyze these discourses based on conversation analysis combined with functional pragmatics. However, psychological and judicial knowledge was also necessary in addition to linguistics approach. In the present paper, I especially concentrate on the importance of agent omission, presuppositions in questions, and the preference organization with respect to answers over nonanswer responses, type-conformity over nonconformity, and affirmation over disaffirmation. Thus, examining the questions asked during trials in an integrated linguistics and judicial framework, I propose a more reliable and detailed typology of questions.
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