Metafora, metonímia és pragmatikai következtetés a grammatikalizációs jelentésváltozásban
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This paper aims to reveal the notions covered by the terms metaphor, metonymy and pragmatic inference in the research on semantic change in grammaticalization. It highlights that these are not only conceived of in different ways in the grammaticalization literature, but also cover notions that are different from their synchronic interpretation. Theoretical considerations are illustrated by presenting different approaches to the development of the English immediate future be going to from a motion verb construction. The study argues that approaches based on the concepts of metaphor and metonymy are complementary in describing semantic change in grammaticalization. However, the diachronic notions of metaphor and metonymy are distinguished from their synchronic concepts. The paper concludes that universal similarities of inferential mechanisms, based on our knowledge that comes from the way we experience the world, shape similar pathways of semantic change in grammaticalization.
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