The puzzle of the inverse scope of the Hungarian contrastive topic, if any

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Judit Farkas
Gábor Alberti


Our point of departure is that in Hungarian the scope order of preverbal (non-in-situ) constituents corresponds to their surface order; however, quantifiers and other operator expressions ω in a contrastive topic position give the impression of having inverse scope (Foc>ω) relative to the Focus expression following the given contrastive topic, apparently violating this generalization. The solution to this “scope-inversion puzzle” in Hungarian proposed by Gyuris (2009:150) rests upon this, unexplained, observation: “only those Hungarian sentences containing a contrastive topic are well-formed that have well-formed counterparts with the contrastive topic expression [ω] in postverbal position.” We claim that there is a remnant-movement-based technique, successfully applied to numerous Hungarian syntactic phenomena, which can also be applied to such “well-formed counterparts”, providing a syntactic structure for the “puzzling” sentences in which the relevant scope order is straight, and hence the inverse scope problem will simply not emerge at all.


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How to Cite
Farkas, J. and Alberti, G. 2018. The puzzle of the inverse scope of the Hungarian contrastive topic, if any. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 5, 1 (May 2018), 65–92. DOI:
Author Biographies

Judit Farkas, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics

Judit Farkas (PhD) is now an assistant professor at the University of Pécs, but when the first version of the article was written, she worked for the Research Institute for Linguistics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (employed in the OTKA project Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian). She permanently works in historical linguistics projects and conducts research into the application of current results of Hungarian generative linguistics to public education.

Gábor Alberti, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics

Gábor Alberti (DSc) is a professor of linguistics at the University of Pécs, where he heads the Department of Linguistics, the Linguistics Doctoral School, and the ReALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team. In addition to formal, lexical and discourse semantics research, he also takes part in the generative syntactic description of the Hungarian language, currently as a senior member of the OTKA project Comprehensive Grammar Resources: Hungarian.


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