From the joy, out of joy, in his/her joy Mental-state-as-cause constructions in Hungarian

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Anita Viszket
Mónika Dóla


In the paper, we analyze three differently suffixed versions of the Hungarian nominal mental-state-as-cause construction ([Nmental-state.Case]cause), reflecting on their similarities and differences. Our analysis is corpus-driven and qualitative in nature: we investigate the semantics and syntax of the sister constructions, with special attention to how the presence or absence of the (definite) article influences DP projection and referential relations in the sentence. We argue that any relevant claim about the constructions can only be made based on a comparative analysis of their semantical and syntactical structures. We propose that the causal relationship is represented with different meaning elements in the three constructions. That is why although all three contain a “subject” with given thematic roles which, due to the causal relationship, needs to find its antecedent within the clause, the different meaning elements impose different restrictions on the “subjects” of the constructions and on the verb of the sentence that contains them. If the construction also features a possessive personal suffix, then not only semantic but also morpho-syntactic restrictions apply to the antecedent.


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How to Cite
Viszket, A. and Dóla, M. 2019. From the joy, out of joy, in his/her joy: Mental-state-as-cause constructions in Hungarian. Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat. 6, 2 (Dec. 2019), 193–213. DOI:
Author Biographies

Anita Viszket, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Anita Viszket (PhD) is an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at the Department of Linguistics of the University of Pécs. Her primary area of research is the syntactic and semantic-pragmatic differences between noun phrases with and without an article, including the applicability of the results to mother tongue education. In addition, she is also involved in the work of the Theoretical, Computer and Cognitive Linguistics Research Group called ℜeALIS, at her department, where she is responsible for characterizing the pragmatic features of the language of non-neurotypical speakers and atypical speech situations.

Mónika Dóla, University of Pécs, Department of Linguistics; ℜeALIS Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Linguistics Research Team

Mónika Dóla (PhD) Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) is affiliated with the Department of Linguistics at the University of Pécs. The central focus of her research is construction grammar and formulaic language, and the applicability of the results in the teaching/learning of Hungarian as a foreign language. In addition, she is involved in various research projects under the auspices of the Research Group ℜeALIS at her department, and she also works on various research topics in Hungarian as a foreign language and Hungarian mother-tongue education.


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